Gorgeous Antique Mirror in a Heavy Metal with aged mirror. The mirror is aged by the many years that have passed. I don’t know how old it is. It really is a Mirror,I would think, its from the early 1920s thru the 30s.
You will not be able to use the mirror to see yourself, it is very cloudy and aged, it is solely for an accent piece.
It can only sit as an accent piece up against the wall and needs a table base to sit on. I imagine you could figure a way to hang it on the wall and if you really want to use it to see yourself in you could have the mirror changed. I personally love its antique beauty and would lean it up against a wall.
Measures: 17 3/8” tall x 12 3/8” wide.
Frame is an excellent condition, the mirror is aged and cloudy. It cannot be hung on the wall. It is a lean up against a wall type and you would need to put something under it so that it won’t slip..